April 30, 2024

Submit Article to The Georgia Gazette

Guidelines for Submitting an Op-Ed or Letter to the Editor:

  1. Exclusive Content: Articles must be exclusive to The Georgia Gazette. Do not submit articles that have been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Strong Argument or Opinion: Op-eds should present a clear argument or opinion on an issue that is closely related to the state of Georgia. Both op-eds and responses to articles published in The Georgia Gazette are acceptable as long as they are labeled and structured properly.
  3. Word Count: Submissions should ideally be between 400 and 1,000 words. Aim for clarity and brevity, avoiding unnecessary jargon.
  4. Submission Format: Email your op-ed or letter to Support@
    TheGeorgiaGazette.com, with “Op-ed Submission” or “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line. Include a brief introduction with your full name and a summary of your article. Indicate if you wish to remain anonymous.
  5. Response Time: Authors will receive a reply via email as soon as possible if their submission is of interest to The Georgia Gazette. Depending on the number of submissions, you may not receive a response if we decide not to publish your article.
  6. Disclosure: Disclose any personal or financial interests related to the topic of your op-ed.
  7. Rights Waiver: Once an article is received and published, it becomes the sole intellectual property of The Georgia Gazette and may not be republished anywhere else without expressed written consent by the rights holder.
  8. Editing Process: While we do not alter the content of op-eds or letters, we do ensure grammatical correctness and proper formatting. Submissions may be rejected based on clarity, precision of language, logic of the argument, and organization.
  9. Selection Criteria: Op-eds and letters are selected based on factors such as timeliness, resonance with our readers, and how closely related they are to the state of Georgia. Special expertise in a topic is not necessary, but explaining how your background or experience informs your viewpoint can strengthen your submission.
  10. Response Time: The Georgia Gazette aims to review all submissions promptly. If you have not received a reply within 10 business days, it is likely that your op-ed will not be selected for publication.
  11. Solicited Contributions: While unsolicited submissions are welcomed, The Georgia Gazette may also reach out to individuals for op-ed contributions, particularly when seeking expert commentary on related news topics.

By adhering to these guidelines and directing your submissions to Support@
TheGeorgiaGazette.com with the appropriate subject line, you can increase the likelihood of your op-ed or letter to the editor being considered for publication in The Georgia Gazette.